Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mini Cooper Billboards

October 22, 2009 / 6:08 pm
Posted by Alden Chiu
Public Relations Student at the University of Texas at Austin

If you happen to be in San Francisco, New York, Miami or Chicago, then you might have seen the new Mini Cooper radio frequency identification billboards. Mini Cooper created a campaign to promote brand image with new, and more importantly, existing customers.

Mini Cooper always surprises me with their advertisements and campaigns. This is probably due to the creativity and fun that they always blend into the mix. From magazines ads to crazy billboards, I strangely enough find myself looking especially for their advertisements.

Nonetheless, these radio frequency identification billboards customize messages depending on who drives under them. For example, if I happen to drive under one on September 26, it will wish me a happy birthday and deliberately make my day. These are only a few of the customized messages that Mini has so ingeniously created.

One might ask: How do they know so all this stuff?!

Well the answer lies in a volunteer survey that you filled out when you bought your Mini. More information can be found at the New York Times article on such surveys.

If there was any way in hell I would voluntarily let someone attach a radio frequency identification device to my car, and let them know my location at all times, Mini has discovered that way.

Its cute, its fun, and it leaves a warm feeling in your stomach.

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